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Meet Liz Fisher, Deputy Chief Executive

Each month we will bring you behind the scenes to put the well deserved spotlight on our staff that help us make a difference to communities throughout the North East. This month meet Liz Fisher, Deputy Chief Executive!

Hi, I’m Liz Fisher and I’m the new Deputy Chief Executive at PCP, I started my role with PCP on the 8th of June 2023. My career started as a Youth and Community Worker in the East End of Newcastle, running the very first National Trust Inner City Project, after almost ten years of community development work, I moved into general management within the National Trust, running portfolios of properties across Yorkshire and the North East. Within my roles my community development roots never left me, and I always ensured the properties linked to their communities.

I then moved onto The Auckland Project in Bishop Auckland, to develop the community aspect of the project, but because of my skills and experience gained at the National Trust, I soon became involved in the development of the capital projects and operation of the visitor attractions. All my previous roles have included staff management, networking, strategy development, project management, and connecting people and place, bringing benefit to all. I joined PCP, because I wanted to go back to my community development roots in the voluntary sector with a value based organisation, whose mission and purpose resonated with mine.

I bring to the table a lot of senior leadership and management experience, and over the past five months, I’ve been on a steep learning curve to understand the sector that PCP operates in, as well as all the projects, workstreams and contracts we deliver. Over the past five months, I’ve spent my time getting to know PCP, our staff, volunteers, and external stakeholders.

I’ve loved every minute, highlights so far have been: a memorable weekend at Kepplewray with OurOptions day group, a world Menopause Day event 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' at the Riverside Stadium organised by our Healthwatch South Tees Team. Attending events with our Lived Experience leads and Community Resilience Team, as well as our Together 21 graduation ceremony and visiting some of the Happiness Hubs that we have funded, plus many more. I’ve come away from many of the events with a tear in my eye, full of admiration and proud of the work you all do.

The Deputy Chief Executive role is a new one, brought in to support our Chief Executive, Carol Gaskarth, giving her the capacity and headspace to think about PCP and how we develop over the coming months and years. Carol and I are taking time to evolve how we work together; how we can play to our strengths to take our work forward and grow the organisation to a new level, with more reach in the North East and beyond. It’s an exciting time to join PCP, we’ve got a new senior leadership team and as a result energy levels in the organisation are high.

I think it’s fair to say that my role hasn’t really settled down yet into any routine; when I joined Carol said it would take at least six months and more before I fully understand PCP and all of our contracts, workstreams and project and she was right! I have taken responsibility for the Project Development Managers and as a result, I want to spend the next few months out and about with the teams, learning about what they do, this will help me get a better understanding of the day-to-day challenges they face and the support they need, as well as identifying new opportunities – I love new ideas!

Everything PCP stand for resonates with me both personally and professionally, the most rewarding aspect of my role is seeing the difference the staff are all making to people’s lives. Our interventions matter to the people we work with and that’s what drives me to do my job to the very best of my ability.

I’ve learnt a lot about PCP and the sector over the past five months, as well as some very practical training as part of my induction process. Before Christmas, I’ll be attending a few training events and courses, which include: two online seminars, one looks at how to bring Theory of Change, Impact Plans to life, another is about Diabetes and the impact it is having on the adult population, I’m really interested in this and thinking about the Pioneering Care Centres role in developing courses and activities. As well as a day’s seminar looking at youth provision across the North East, and I’m especially interested in this with my PCP hat on in relation to young people’s mental health.

A date for your diaries is 14th November 2023, PCP has been nominated for the Investors In People, Employer of the Year award. It’s a massive achievement to get nominated, we are up there with the elite, but if we win, we will be best in class. Everyone in the organisation should be proud of this achievement so far and fingers crossed for 14th November.

For more about what the PCP offers, please have a scan of our website, email or call 01325 321234.



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