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Lifting lockdown: step three

Writer's picture: PCPPCP

Lockdown restrictions have been easing since 8th March 2021. The dates of the official roadmap out of lockdown have not needed to be delayed due to case numbers of COVID-19 falling. Step 3 will occur 17th May 2021.

Here’s what you’re allowed to do as of that date:

  • Outdoors, most social contact rules will be lifted - although gatherings of over 30 people will remain illegal.

  • Outdoor performances such as outdoor cinemas, outdoor theatres and outdoor cinemas can reopen.

  • Indoors, the rule of 6 or 2 households will apply - although we will keep under review whether it is safe to increase this.

  • Indoor hospitality, entertainment venues such as cinemas and soft play areas, the rest of the accommodation sector, and indoor adult group sports and exercise classes will also reopen.

  • Larger performances and sporting events in indoor venues with a capacity of 1,000 people or half-full (whichever is lower) will also be allowed, as will those in outdoor venues with a capacity of 4000 people or half-full (whichever is lower).

  • In the largest outdoor seated venues where crowds can spread out, up to 10,000 people will be able to attend (or a quarter-full, whichever is lower).

  • Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions and wakes, as well as funerals. Other life events that will be permitted include bar mitzvahs and christenings.

This exciting news allows for many more businesses to open and events for larger groups can go ahead. Please remember hands, face, space & stay safe as restrictions are eased!



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