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Catch up with Cancer Awareness

Pioneering Care Partnership's Cancer Awareness Team have been very busy getting back into the community in County Durham to spread their messages of preventing cancer, along with the signs and symptoms to look out for.

After adapting their delivery technique over lockdown with various restrictions, the PCP Cancer Awareness Team, Andrea & Elliott, have been visiting many places in County Durham, supporting national campaigns around preventing cancer.

From Morrisons supermarket, to Fire Stations, and even a County Durham pub crawl! The team have been encouraging everyone they see to know the signs, spot the symptoms and spread key messages.

This month is #Movember, a national campaign encouraging people to grow a moustache to raise awareness for all things men's health. This year, #Movember is tackling mental health, prostate cancer & testicular cancer. Andrea and Elliott have wasted no time spreading this message aiming to change the way we think of men's health. For more information about testicular cancer and how to spot the signs, visit the Movember website.

November is also #ProstateCancerAwarenessMonth. Using resources from Prostate Cancer UK's website, the team have taken to social media to share heart-breaking stories from people who have been affected by prostate cancer. Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer. For more information, please visit this website.

Andrea and Elliott were visiting many workplaces in October, raising awareness for breast cancer during #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth. They were joined by one of PCP's reception staff, Nora Brewster, a fellow breast cancer survivor.

Keep an eye out for the fantastic team in your area and learn everything you need to know about ways to prevent and spot cancer. You can also follow the Cancer Awareness Team on Facebook and Twitter.

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